JSC SKTB Katalizator vaccinates employees against COVID-19 on a voluntary basis


JSC SKTB Katalizator vaccinates employees against COVID-19 on a voluntary basis

On June 11, 2021, the second stage of vaccination against COVID-19 was performed in JSC SKTB Katalizator as part of preventive measures to avoid spreading a new coronavirus infection. The first stage was arranged on this 21st of May. Vaccination was carried out voluntarily at the own request of employees having no adverse health conditions. The vaccination campaign was attended by senior management, office staff and operators.

The vaccination procedure was arranged without loss of the working time, to comply with the workflow, the vaccination took place in a separate equipped room, where the physician conducted a mandatory medical examination, measured pressure, temperature and saturation prior to vaccination.

JSC SKTB Katalizator attaches great importance to the safety issues resolution. Vaccination allows the company to maintain a high level of safety, and developing the community immunity is good for the workflow. Indoor routine disinfection is carried out, all the entry points are equipped with remote thermometers, compliance with the mask regime is monitored, and the staff is provided with personal protective equipment at the Company’s expense.

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