Why do our products meet the highest quality standards Part 3.


Why do our products meet the highest quality standards Part 3.

Abrasion Testing of Pulverized and Microspheric Catalyst Supports with Rotary Abraser.

Our goal is not limited to sale of catalysts, and our customer interaction does not end at the product shipment stage. We continually strive to improve customer's catalytic process in which our product is applied and endeavor to make it the best product in terms of ease of use, reduced OPEX and CAPEX, and extended turnaround intervals of the units.
Catalyst abrasion resistance is one of the key features being essential to fluidized bed process. Chromia-alumina catalysts for isobutane and isopentane dehydrogenation are extensively used for above processes in petrochemical sector. Low abrasion resistance of catalyst while in operation of commercial-scale fluidized-bed units results in erosive wear of equipment, primarily affecting the walls of overflow pipes and internals of the reactors.
To minimize the wear and extend the lifetime of expensive equipment, the catalysts with high abrasion resistance are required. Manufacturers of dehydrogenation catalysts use different instruments to evaluate abrasivity, thus preventing the customers from making objective comparison of this essential product feature. Currently, the instruments from Taber Industries (USA) are accepted worldwide as standard for evaluating abrasiveness of materials, which are capable of providing such comparison.
In 2020, the laboratory equipment fleet of JSC SKTB Katalizator was enlarged with Taber Multi-Media Abraser 5135. First introduced in the 1990-s, this instrument was developed for Ford Motor Company to measure abrasivity of powders and fluids, and has been in production from the early 1990-s to the present day.
Using Abraser, specialists from R&D Department are able to recreate actual wear conditions for durability testing of different materials abraded by fluids, pastes or powders. To determine the abrasion resistance, the depth of wear is calculated after subjecting standard brass pins as to abraded media to abrasion by catalyst powder using Multi-MediaAbraser special attachment.
The obtained data is used for tackling research issues, ensuring quality control of the manufactured batches of catalyst, as well as for developing engineering solutions based on predicting the depth and rate of equipment wear.

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