Technologies and Materials

The production of advanced competitive materials and business compliance with strict environmental standards requires the use of the best chemical technologies.

First of all, such technology should ensure high quality and maximum yield of the target product. Secondly, industrial technology should be energy efficient – it requires minimal fuel and electricity costs. Of course, the best technology should be able to automate monitoring and process management.

Many competitive chemical technologies are based on the materials with tailored properties – catalysts and adsorbents.

Catalysts are substances that accelerate the pathway of targeted chemical reactions. In commercial production, above products are highly efficient for obtaining target reaction products. Occupying less than 1% of the cost of production, the catalyst is an indispensable substance for many advanced technologies.

Sorbents are products with specific properties for the selective absorption of certain types of substances from gases and liquids. With their help, technological tasks of drying and cleaning, separation or concentration of the necessary components from mixtures or concentration are solved.

Various technological processes in production require the use of special brands of catalysts and adsorbents. Using advanced materials, it is possible to significantly improve the efficiency of existing chemical industries and ensure their competitiveness.

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Business Technology and Materials Category

To select the appropriate chemical technologies, select the business profile for your company

Production of polymers and resins

Manufacture of petroleum products (Refinery)

Gas processing and production (Gas Plants)

Production of nitric acid and fertilizers

Organic synthesis


Paint & varnish

Wood processing

Machine manufacturing



Food processing

Developing a material or technology
If you have not found the necessary technology or material – leave a request in the form below
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